Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mason Dixon Comes North

I made an impromptu trip down to Newburyport this morning to visit one of my favorite LYS, A Loom With A View. The lovely Kay Gardiner from Mason Dixon Fame was going to be there talking, knitting and signing. It felt like the perfect way to spend my Saturday morning. I've been reading Kay and Ann's blog for a couple of years now and although I will never be the knitters that they are, I enjoy keeping up with all of the projects they work on. Kay brought with her an amazing shawl that she recently completed. Really shawl is not the right word for this piece of art. It is actually called a Volt, and it is something that I will never have the brain power to achieve. Regardless, it was amazing to look at, feel, and understand it's complicated nature.

Kay was lovely. Despite being surrounded by envious knitters, she was completely normal. A fellow New Yorker, she talked about why she chose to stick with the black and gray color scheme of the Volt, busily worked on her Courthouse Steps pattern, and explained that she wore the same blazer for her appearance on Martha Stewart. Delightful, really.

After chatting with an employee who I'd met the last time I was there and would really like to make my new friend, I drove home. As I always do when I leave Newburyport, I got turned around. I blame my father for this frequent occurrence, but that is a story for another day. It might be because I get a bit distracted in new surroundings. For instance, there was this! How beautiful, almost magical, right??

1 comment:

blueditty said...

Well now you've done it.
I'm off to Ravelry to look up Volt.
Expect some nasty looks from me after I figure out I can't Volt!
