Sunday, March 14, 2010

work in progress

There has been a lot of creating over this rainy, windy, overcast weekend. Yesterday was spent working on labels and tags. When it comes to working out design on a computer, I've got no skills. I get frustrated and bored very quickly. Thankfully my friend has both a mind for computers and an eye for design and a place in her heart for me. Although it was a bit tedious (did I mention that I get bored easily), I am really satisfied with what we came up with. As soon as I put the final touches on them, I will share them with you.
I have been busy knitting, cutting, gluing, and sewing over the last few days. I have some potentially exciting news that I am going to hold onto until the details are solidified. That is mostly because I am a life-long Red Sox fan and fully believe in jinxes and as a result have trained myself to be cautiously optimistic. Anyway, this miserable weather has made it a perfect day to stay in and busy myself with crafting. Lots of soft, spring colors and textures surround me. So, stick with me, I promise to reveal more when I can.

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